- Trying out git on a new project. So far so good, but it has only been 10 minutes. :) #
- Just noticed that this is going to be tweet #5009 for me. Over 5,000 tweets and counting … no value what so ever. :) #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Disconnect to Connect – (dtac Thailand TVC) http://youtu.be/17ZrK2NryuQ?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — 360 Upside Down Swing Fail http://youtu.be/gYt3Wk09NYo?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — It's A Dad's Life http://youtu.be/EGE1tqyyiRQ?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Uncle Matin's Sword Trick http://youtu.be/fbJyZ4eDkIs?a #
- If you can read Russian, you have to follow @Kremlins_wife . Some of the most hilarious stuff I ever read on Twitter. :) #
Month: October 2010
Day in brief
- I favorited a YouTube video — Most incredible volcano footage ever http://youtu.be/IAxj2ob_JoU?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Royal Navy Field Gun Competition 1997 http://youtu.be/VslIuK-bAHg?a #
Doing business in Cyprus
The Doing Business project provides a rating across 183 countries on how easy it is to do business in each one of them. Cyprus occupies a respectable position #40 in that list. Here are the metrics used in ranking calculations, as well as some of the neighbors for Cyprus:
- Easy of Doing Business Rank: 40 (after Columbia, Azerbaijan, Qatar and before Kyrgyz Republic, Slovac Republic, Armenia)
- Starting a Business: 25
- Dealing with Construction Permits: 77
- Employing Workers: 93
- Registering Property: 64
- Getting Credit: 71
- Protecting Investors: 93
- Paying Taxes: 37
- Trading Across Borders: 15
- Enforcing Contracts: 107
- Closing a Business: 21
And while there are obviously plenty of pros and cons to each country in the list, it’s nice to see a summarizing effort.
Law suits in mobile industry
Like if you needed yet another proof for the fact that mobile industry is hot right now, here comes an excellent graph of who is suing who. Things like these are also of much help later down the road, when the dust settles a little bit.
Via Design Language News.
Day in brief
- New design for IMDb is actually quite an improvement. I'll still need to get used to it though. Check it out. http://www.imdb.com #
- Good morning. :) #textthatleadtosex #
- I favorited a YouTube video — How to Cut Carbon Emissions http://youtu.be/sSTLDel-G9k?a #