Out of disk space

Last night the server ran out of disk space while doing a backup.  That affected most of the sites and some services hosted on this server.   I have cleaned up some space since, and made sure that there will be enough of it for the backups to run.  I’ll also keep an eye on it to see if there was some other problem hiding behind the disk space issue.

Apologies to everyone who was affected.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett : Give away half your money!

This is one of those things where nothing that I might say will make it anymore believable.  Heck, even the quote from The Wall Street Journal seems like a hoax:

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett announced today that 40 signers, including at least 30 billionaires and other wealthy families, had officially made the Giving Pledge–a promise to give away more than half their fortunes.

I think they are just trying to prove Chris Rock wrong (from 1:28 and further):


Who’s next in the long list of Oracle acquisitions?

ERP Software Advice has an interesting summary of Oracle’s mergers and acquisitions for the last few years.  Here is an excellent graphical representation:

But not only that.  They are trying to figure out who is the next in line.  If you have an opinion on this matter – vote in their poll.  If you don’t – check the article anyway – it’s pretty cool.

As for me, I am not that well familiar with Oracle’s business, but judging by a few comments here and there, one company that they won’t buy anytime soon is EMC.  If I remember correctly, because there is some personal affair going on.  Or maybe that’s just all rumors and my misunderstanding of it all.

Day in brief