Another Motorshow

Motorshow 2007

Yesterday, Vladimir and I went to Nicosia. It was time for the annual car exhibition – Motorshow 2007. The exhibition took place, as usual, at Cyprus State Fair grounds, with all major car makers and resellers present. This year’s best booth was by Cadillac. These guys have arrange for a large place, which was acceissible only via invitations (no, we didn’t have those). They had live music, great decorations, and all in all stood out and above the rest.

There were more hybrid cars these year, which I think is good. And there were more smaller cars, which is not bad either, considering the growing parking problems that we have in the cities. Also, it was nice to see that the prices are falling. Some brand new cars are now available for 3,500-4,500 CYP.

We finished off the exhibition with the traditional pint or two. Good stuff.

Contributing to KDE-Look

Somehow I ended up registering at KDE-Look and uploading a few of my photographs as KDE wallpapers. I do change my wallpapers once in a while and since recently have started using my own images instead of somebody else’s. I thought, why not then share these pitures with the community.

A few hours later, I checked the stats and was really surprised. There were no comments and the ratings weren’t changed much, which was exactly as I expected. But the download numbers overloaded my mind. I didn’t expect them to be so high. Especially, considering the fact that all of these images are available via my Flickr account, where they can be downloaded in several resolutions instead of just 1024×768 that I posted to KDE Look. Here are the links to the uploads that I’ve made, together with the number of downloads as of this writing:

After these numbers I went to look for more numbers. Most downloaded page shows hundreds of thousands downloads with very small decrease rate. Wow. What an exposure! There must be more KDE users out there than I thought about last time.

Businessmen are getting younger

This is from another one at Business Opportunities Weblog:

For some time now, teenagers have been looking to entrepreneurs as pop icons — whether Gates or Trump — as much as they have to rock stars and athletes. Having your own business has become very cool; having your own business before your 20th birthday indescribably so.

I like the sound of this. I see it more from the side of responsibility and independancy, rather than child labour support…

Demographics of the United States

I was scrolling through the feed of Business Opportunities Weblog, when I came across the post with these numbers:

According to 2000 U.S. Census data, nearly 47 million people who live in the U.S. speak a language other than English at home.

How much?! WOW!

Then, of course, I got interested in other numbers. Those 47 people are a part of 281 million people of total USA population in 2000, according to Demographics of the United States Wikipedia article. There is even a handy chart of population growth.

The latest numbers of total USA population are a bit higher – 300,000,000 people, as of October 2006 (according to Wikipedia page about USA).

On long term business relationships

From Jackie Huba’s Tour bits:

I was honored to meet one of the deans of public relations: Al Golin of GolinHarris. He began his PR career in 1951 and today his company has offices in 29 countries.

One ingredient of Al’s success has been having McDonald’s as a client for 50 years. In 1957, Al cold-called Ray Kroc, the legendary force behind McDonald’s. Kroc hired him and put the firm on a $500 monthly retainer. (I’m sure the retainer is a bit higher today.) It’s remarkable for anyone to have a client for 50 years.

Indeed so.