Daily tweets

  • I’m still sitting here, glued to this chair… #
  • In less than 6 hours I have to present some of my work that I am not really proud of. No choice though… #
  • 7:20am. I’m going home for a short sleep.Meeting with client at 10:00am. Need red eye removal, but real, not Photoshop. #
  • A managed to sneak in a couple of hours of sleep, but the world still looks surrealistic. #
  • “We don’t need no education” lead me to Wikipedia’s Double negatives page. Fun. http://tinyurl.com/22c3wf #
  • Can anyone, anyone at all, tell me why am I not sleeping right now? #

Daily tweets

  • PayPal Europe moves from UK,where it is an “electronic financial institution” to Luxemburg,where it is a bank. Very cool. #
  • I’m back to the office. And what is Kataklysmos anyway? I’m not diving for now cross here… #
  • The day starts with 90K SPAM messages in the queue of one of the serves. Cleaning up. Plenty of .com.br addresses. #
  • Killed all SPAM. Now pushing delivery for about 3000 messages that got delayed over the last few days. #
  • This mail server is probably hated by half of the world. Yahoo mail servers consider it a personal enemy. #
  • When I don’t care about my productivity, FireFTP extension is actually quite good for file copying back and forward. #
  • I wish my mobile could sync contacts with GMail. I have pictures, emails, and other info there. #

Daily tweets

  • I had a full 9 hour sleep. Wow. It’s the first or the second time this year… #
  • My Gmail space usage indicator stays firmly on 50%. 1433 MB out of 2857 MB. #
  • I love Gmail’s idea of growing space.If it was unlimited from the beginning, it wouldn’t be so much fun. #
  • I don’t want to read more feeds than I am already doing. Why can’t I resist the urge to subscribe then? I’m an RSS addict. #
  • With Twitter digests on my blog I can have comments (and visits) from people who don’t use Twitter. Nice. #
  • The amount of comments I get on this site once again shows why threaded comments plugin is useless for an average blog. Not enough comments. #
  • The more ways we have to communicate, the better. Even if we don’t spend enough time communicating. #
  • i see clouds.i wonder if they are somehow connected with my yesterday’s carwash. #
  • reminder to myself: blog about the librarian #
  • @atw26: I see some heavy rainy clouds over Troodos mountains from my office windows right now. #
  • Twitter now makes username into a link, if @ is prepended. Cool. #
  • Perl could have been a really ugly language and nobody would notice, if CPAN was still there. #
  • My debit card is tied to 2-day notice account. I ALWAYS forget about it. Trying to make a purchase right after money transfer… #
  • I am the first guy to ask for printout, when others say “nevermind, it was done electronically”. I don’t trust it enough to just work… #
  • Some people trust the technology because they don’t know how it works.Others – because they do. I’m among the latter ones. #
  • When I’m Twittering too much, does it look like I have nobody to talk to? :) #
  • @alex_mamchenkov: yes. not in sms or im, but on the web. #
  • @alex_mamchenkov: oh.. that was about me talking, and not about username links.. :) #

The librarian

I have this “librarian stereotype” (not sure, if it is “stereo”, but it’s a “type” alright). A thin woman in her middle ages, wearing glasses, simple summer-time dress, and always with a book. Something like that. Of course, there are people of other professions who look like this, and there are definitely librarians who look different, but that doesn’t matter for now. What matters is that the first thought that I get in my mind when I see someone looking like that is “A librarian!”.

I often see one of these “librarians” in the zoo. Every weekend Maxim and I go to the zoo, and there is this woman, who always reads a book, waiting for people who are happy to pay two pounds to have their kids photographed together with a nicely dressed pony. The animal is usually wearing pink feathers on the head, while eating grass nearby.

Today, the “librarian” was there again. As usual. Reading the book. But today she was dressed differently. She has her jeans and some sort of a short t-shirt. Nothing special. But…

When we were passing by, I noticed that she had a tattoo. It was one of those party girl tattoos on her back just above the jeans belt. Hmm… While I paused there for a second, I noticed another tattoo – some Chinese saying down on her leg…

She was reading a book, paying no attention to me. Which was good. Because I was staying there like a guy with one of his childhood stereotypes shredded into pieces.

This was no regular librarian. This was a party librarian. Or she was no librarian at all. Boy! A train of thoughts went through my mind.

And then Maxim called me to see a camel.

Daily tweets

  • Carwashing #
  • Back to the office #
  • Videos in Google search results are just awesome! #
  • Wow! I can even post to Twitter directly from my blog’s admin area. And it counts chars too. Thanks to Alex King for Twitter Tools. :) #
  • As always, if you think you’re good at something – check the Web. Don’t forget to allocate two weeks for depression before doing it though. #