Can your programming language do this?

Can Your Programming Language Do This? post by Joel Spolsky can give you some insight on why people use different programming languages, as well as provide you with some doubts on wheathere are you using the proper tool.

…programming languages with first-class functions let you find more opportunities for abstraction, which means your code is smaller, tighter, more reusable, and more scalable.

Both interesting and insightful. And I’m glad to confirm that I don’t have to switch from my primary programming language just yet.

Compression discussion

Slashdot had this post recently about data compression contest. Some Wikipedia data was used as a sample for this contest. And, as usual with compression discussions at Slashdot, there were a lot of humorous threads. I liked these three pathes in particular:

  1. Steer away contest requirements from the lossless compression. If succeded, the whole Wikipedia encyclopedia could be compressed into 1 bit.
  2. Use random data generation method (such as /dev/random device) to eventually generate the complete content back.
  3. Use minimum size of compressed data (1 bit), while having an extremely large size of compression executable (the size of uncompressed data)

Quick GMail update

I am doing the biggest email move ever. I am migrating all of my email to GMail. That includes archives, which, in some cases, have threads dating back to 1999. That’s A LOT OF email.

Obviously, my GMail account is a huge mess right now. I’ll try to clear it up as soon as possible, but for the meantime, if I miss an email from you, please, stay with me. I’ll get it al in order ASAP. Note thought, that just the upload process will take around two to three days.

The script I’m using for this process is Mark Lyon’s GMail Loader. I’m usin gthe older .4 version, because I didn’t have enough Python librarires for the GUI. Neither did I need it. The script works like a charm.

Daily bookmarks

My appologies for an inactivity period with bookmarks. That was related to the change of API address, which I had to fix in my script. Now everything seems to be working fine.

Shared bookmarks for user tvset on 2006-08-12