Shared bookmarks for user tvset on 2006-03-03
Year: 2006
Python! Here I come!
Life is full of surprises and irony. Or at least it looks so to me. Especially now.
It’s been more than two years since I planned to learn Python programming language. At first I really wanted to do so, but didn’t have any free time. Then I came across a couple of tasks at work that made me write a few patches here and there, but the complexity just wasn’t there and I didn’t learn anything beyond the simpliest things. Then a lot of time passed by and I forgot those simpliest things too.
Recently I found myself looking at Python code more often than I used to. But I still didn’t have to write any code. Just read and understand.
Then I had to write few more patches. Again, the complexity wasn’t there.
And so on and so forth.
Until today I realized that I have a somewhat complex project to implement and there is practically no choice of programming language. Hooray! I’ll finally have to learn to use Python!
P.S.: I’m glad I was saving up all those Python bookmarks.
Daily bookmarks
Shared bookmarks for user tvset on 2006-03-02
- Web 2.0 glossary | Otherwise Engaged.
- b i b l i o p h i l . o r g — Books reviews and collection management
- Mitsubishi United Resource
- Soccer fights — Flash with a bunch of videos showing fights during soccer games.
Citizenship update
I went to Nicosia today to check upon my Cyprus citizenship case. It appears that it arrived to the final destination only yesterday (“Coinsedence? I think not!”). The kind lady, to who I spoke, will have to prepare the final report for the ministry and the minister to base the final decision upon. (How many times did I use the word “final” here?) The report preparation should take less than a week. Then – who knows?
I managed to get her name and phone number to get in contact directly, so, hopefully, I won’t have to travel back and forth between Limassol and Nicosia.
Daily bookmarks
Shared bookmarks for user tvset on 2006-03-01