Daily del.icio.us bookmarks

Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user tvset on 2006-08-23

Calendar vs. TODO list

I found out that sometimes using a calendar instead of a TODO list can increase productivity. It turns out that if the due date for a task is not set or is not very specific or depends on something else, I just dump the task in the list and forget all about it. With calendar it’s different – there’s just no way of adding an item without specifying date. So add a task and discover that it can’t be done or I don’t want to do it on the date that it was set originally. I move it. Then I move it again. Then again. Eventually, I’ll get tired of moving it and will just complete it and forget about it. Yey!


My son is one and a half years old today. While he is still a little guy, it sounds like A LOT. Some people say that I won’t even notice the time it’ll get him to grow up, get married, and have kids of his own. I’m starting to believe them…