Shared bookmarks for user tvset on 2006-08-23
Month: August 2006
Monetizing YouTube
Fred Wilson points to some hints as to how YouTube is going to make money.
We all knew that banner and text ads weren’t the solution for a video service.
Calendar vs. TODO list
I found out that sometimes using a calendar instead of a TODO list can increase productivity. It turns out that if the due date for a task is not set or is not very specific or depends on something else, I just dump the task in the list and forget all about it. With calendar it’s different – there’s just no way of adding an item without specifying date. So add a task and discover that it can’t be done or I don’t want to do it on the date that it was set originally. I move it. Then I move it again. Then again. Eventually, I’ll get tired of moving it and will just complete it and forget about it. Yey!
Verizon Introduces New Charge-You-At-Whim Plan
The question my wife asked me after I read her this was “Are you going to buy it?”. Apparently, it sounds like the stuff that I usually pay for.
My son is one and a half years old today. While he is still a little guy, it sounds like A LOT. Some people say that I won’t even notice the time it’ll get him to grow up, get married, and have kids of his own. I’m starting to believe them…