Trying out MyBlogLog. Fantastic so far.

After reading this post I’ve decided to try MyBlogLog. It’s been less than a day and I already absolutely love it. Users, comments, communities, and, above all, real time statistics – great job! If you have no idea of what I am talking about, here is a really nice definition of MyBlogLog:

In a way, I feel as if this is bringing the MySpace / LiveJournal type of social networking to regular blogs like ours. Definitely much needed since the current way we see one another is generally through conversations based on comments and trackbacks.

Read the rest of the post for more details about MyBlogLog.

In the meantime, I think, I’ll be paying for the service. There’s no way I can survive without it now, knowing that it’s out there and that it costs only $25 USD per year. Can you?

2 thoughts on “Trying out MyBlogLog. Fantastic so far.”

  1. Thank you! We’re happy to be of service. You’ll have even more fun if you install our Recent Readers Widget. We’re also working hard to add profile pictures to comments. You can get a preview (and a ton of discussion about it) here:

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