On Google stuff. Again.

Although obvious to some, only today I realized that I can use both GMail and Google Calendar via HTTPS (Secure HTTP). And I don’t even have to do anything – just change the URLs from http:// to https:// and it all works like magic. It makes me feel safer, considering the fact that I mostly work from my notebook via unencrypted WiFi.

I still love Google Reader. Although different, and with a learning curve of its own, it works for me. One feature I miss though is the overview. In Bloglines I could take a quick look at the number of new messages for each folder or feed and have an overall picture of where my attention is needed the most. Not so with Google Reader. I can access each feed separately, or feeds under a certain tag, but I don’t have any idea about how many new items I have where. Hopefully they’ll implement something soon.

Daily del.icio.us bookmarks

Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user tvset on 2006-07-10

Quick note

I caught myself doing something that I never did before. And everything tells me that I’ll be doing more of it in the times to come. Since I’ve been doing it for only a couple of days, I haven’t yet figured out if I like doing or not. I’ll post more about later.

Mom left for Russia

The last two weeks passed like a couple of days, and today my mother left for Russia. During her stay here, we’ve talked a lot and made a few plans on how to bring her back. In the near future. Hopefully, permanently. She’s sick and tired of Moscow, and we sick and tired of her not living nearby. We’ll see how it goes.

Anyway, I myself will see her in a week, during my trip to Russia. And then again in one more week, because I’ll be jumping all over the place like a crazy frog.

Out for a barbeque

Today we went for a barbeque in the mountains. It was the most spontanoeous and chaotically organized barbeque that I’ve been at in the last few years. Despite such an organization everything went just fine and we had great time. To complete the event, I’ll make this the shortest barbeque post ever written on this blog. And no pictures were taken too.