Russia vs. Moscow

The other day in the park I overheard to kids talking. One of them was saying that he is from Russia. Another one was claiming to be from Moscow. There was a confusion in their talk. They couldn’t understand each other because neither of them knew the difference between the country and city. They were “feeling” that they were from the same place, but they couldn’t just figured the connection between Moscow and Russia.

They were discussing the issue for about five minutes or so, which is a long time for any kids’ conversation. I was laughing almost out loud as they argued. It was really amazing.

Few days later I realized that I was thinking way too much about that episode. My memory was coming back to it and replaying it back and forth. And I couldn’t understand why. And then it suddently hit me.

Many adults argue the same issue, using practically the same arguments. You see, currently there are so much money and power concentrated in Moscow that it is very separated from the rest of Russia. There is even a joke that says: the only problem with Moscow is that it is surrounded by Russia. If you are to watch a person from Moscow talking to a person from somewhere else in Russia, you’ll see that they can hardly understand each other. The differences in culture, level of life, money, jobs, and opportunities are just too great.

So, I find it very ironic how those two kids were discussing the issue and it seemed like the only thing on the way was the knowledge that Moscow is the city in the country of Russia. But many adults have this knowledge is still have a problem in understanding.

The death of the microdrive

It seems that the 1 GByte microdrive that I used yesterday in my camera died. I tried to copy pictures from it using both my home and office workstations, but USB module just keeps crashing. The only hope I have left is that maybe the camera itself will be able to read it. If it will, I’ll copy the pictures from yesterday, using the camera software. Otherwise, I’ll lose a bunch of pictures from yesterday and will have to order a new CompactFlash. Sad.

The microdrive served me good for almost two years. Maybe it’s just the time for it to die. Or maybe it’s something else. Still, that’s sad.

Kakomalis. Singing party No.5

It’s that time of the year again, when crowds of Russian people gather together in Kakomalis picnic place and do all sorts of cool stuff. Playing games, cooking barbeque, shooting lots of pictures, singing songs, dancing, and drinking lots of vodka.

While usually I rush to Kakomalis early after noon, today I only managed to get there by about 7:30pm. Still, I didn’t miss much. Most of the music part was still ahead.

This time was the 5th song festival. Each time it is different fromt he last and so it was today. First of all, the stage was at a different place. It was high up on the hill, so all the tables and people were reorganized quite a bit. Secondly, three core musicians (Albert, Doors, and Vladimir Kardash) had to leave early due to their own reasons, so the “pro” part of the concert was somewhat smaller. There was a new rising star though – Pasha. He was excellent. And multilingual too. And he didn’t limit himself to the usual Russsian and English. He went a few more, including the Turkish language. Truely, the music knows no borders.

Fewer people attended this time and most of them left earlier. I suspect mostly because it was rather cold – about +10C. Women and children are known to get frosty in such temperatures pretty quickly. Not to mention a few hours stay outside.

The party ended around midnight. Overall it was good, but I wanted more. That’s why I continued at one of my favourite kitchens down in Limassol.

Clap clap

This is just a quick update to let you all know that Maxim was clapping with his hands today. While we were in the park he was in one of his high activity moods. He was sticking his hands one by one high up in the air and looking at them. Then he moved them around. Then he touched his hand with his other hand. Then he clapped. Then he did it a few more times. Yuppie!

Daily bookmarks

Shared bookmarks for user tvset on 2005-11-11