The Language Guide

There are so many computer programming languages that newcomers and around-IT people get confused very often. Which language should I learn? What is better C or Perl? What is SQL? These are the questions posted forums and newsgroups where programmers hang out.

The Language Guide website attempts to tell the difference between 40 or so most popular programming languages. It provides a brief history of each language, key features listings, sample programs, and links to other resources about each language.

Object-oriented programming concepts

Here is a nice (as in short and simple) tutorial on object-oriented programming concepts. It touches only briefly and a few concepts: objects, class, message, inheritance, and interface. There is a practical part based on Java. And that’s about it. Studying this tutorial will not make you an OOP expert (I doubt that anything will), but it will provide with the general direction to dig in.

Picture of the day


As I am getting more and more interested in photography, I get more and more practice. At first, having albums dedicated to certain events was very convenient for me. These days, I always carry a camera with me and sometimes I have just one or two shots which don’t fit into the album vision. For that reason, I have decided to create a special album for such shots – ‘Picture of the day’ (or POTD).

Many books and websites recommend beginning photographers to shoot at least one picture every day. This helps to develop an eye for opportunities. I think that now I am ready to try this project. I hope that I will have at least one picture every day. Sometimes it will be more. Today, for example, I have three.

Let’s see how long I will last. :)