AWS CloudFormation Sample Templates

awslabs/aws-cloudformation-templates is an extensive collection of Amazon AWS CloudFormation templates for a wide range of resources and services. Some of these can be used as is for deploying production infrastructure, others are good starting points for those of us who are still learning.

Build load-balanced servers in AWS EC2 using CloudFormation

Build load-balanced servers in AWS EC2 using CloudFormation” is an excellent guide on deploying load balancer servers with EC2 instances to Amazon AWS cloud with CloudFormation infrastructure management tool. The guide covers a variety of topics from the actual deployment to security and monitoring.

There are many different approaches for load balancing traffic in Amazon AWS, and this one is not a holy grail solution, but it provides plenty of insight into available tools and options.

Why does APT not use HTTPS?

In the ever changing world of technology, people often rush to get the latest. Hype for new features, improved performance and security is everywhere, and anybody rarely stops to think about things in depth.

Use the best tool for the job, they say. And the latest is always the best.

In that, I found it surprising that APT (advanced packaging tool) used for a variety of popular Linux distributions, such as Debian, does not use HTTPS, no matter how much people push for it. For all the arguments of HTTP/2 performance and Let’s Encrypt free certificates, APT developers have their own counterarguments.

Why does APT not use HTTPS?” is a simple website that explains the reasons behind that decision. And they kind of make a lot of sense for their particular use case.