Use vimdiff as git mergetool

Ruslan Osipov has a very handy tutorial on how to setup Vim text editor as git merge tool, for resolving git conflicts.

Basically, run the following commands to tell git to use Vim as a merge tool (don’t forget the –global flag if you want it for all your projects, not just the current one):

git config merge.tool vimdiff
git config merge.conflictstyle diff3
git config mergetool.prompt false

With that, running “git mergetool” after a conflict was reported, will result in something like this:

The three way split window will show local version (–ours) on the left, the remote version (–theirs) on the right, and the base version with the conflict in the middle.  You can then get changes from one window into another using the following Vim diffget commands:

:diffg RE  " get from REMOTE
:diffg BA  " get from BASE
:diffg LO  " get from LOCAL


Check a few of Ruslan’s other vim-related articles.

dotfiles – your unofficial guide to dotfiles on GitHub

Warning: you will lose a lot of sleep if you follow the link below. :)

No matter how well you know Vim, bash, git, and a whole slew of other command line tools, I promise you, you’ll find something new, something you had no idea existed, something that will help you save hours and hours of your life by shaving off a few seconds here and there on the tasks you perform on a daily basis, in the repositories link to from this site.

I think I’ve spent most of my Sunday there and my dotfiles are so different now that I’m not sure I should commit and push them all in one go.  I think I might need to get used to the changes first.

Some of the things that I’ve found for myself:

  • PHP Integration environment for Vim (spf13/PIV).
  • myrepos – provides a mr command, which is a tool to manage all your version control repositories.
  • bash-it – a community Bash framework.
  • Awesome dotfiles – a curated list of dotfiles resources.

… and a whole lot of snippets, tips, and tricks.

P.S.: Make sure you don’t spend too much time on these things though :)

vimrcfu – shared knowledge of vimrc

Dear all contributors to vimrcfu,

thank you very much for all my sleepless nights this week.  I’ve almost forgot how my bed looks like.  On the other hand, I’ve learned a tonne and have significantly rearranged my vimrc and related files, expanding it with new bits and pieces.

The sleep I can get back.  The awesome features of Vim at my fingertips now – couldn’t have happened without you.

You rock!

Best regards,

yours truly.

VimGolf – fun way to learn Vim

VimGolfVimGolf – a quick and fun way to learn Vim text editor.  There is a whole lot of different challenges for all levels – from novice to expert – that will test your knowledge of Vim trickery.

You can also review the solutions provided by other people, from shortest to the most readable.