PHP 7.1.0 Released!

PHP 7.1.0 release is out, bringing quite a bit of new features and improvements.  Here are some of the new things:

I guess I’ll wait for Fedora 26 or something to get a silent upgrade. :)

Amazon Linux AMI 2016.09

amazon ami 2016.09

AWS Blog lets us know that Amazon Linux AMI 2016.09 is now available.  It comes with a variety of updates, such as Nginx 1.10, PHP 7, and PostgreSQL 9.5 and Python 3.5.  Another thing that got quite a bit of improvement is the boot time of the Amazon Linux AMI instances.  Here’s a comparison chart:


Read about all the changes in the release notes.

P.S.: I’m still stuck with Amazon AMI on a few of my instances, but in general I have to remind all of you to NOT use the Amazon AMI.  You’ve been warned.

WordPress 4.5 “Coleman”

WordPress 4.5 “Coleman” – the newest WordPress version has been released (I’ve just upgraded).  Some of the changes included in this release are:

  • New and improved user interface for editing links in posts and pages.
  • More Markdown-like shortcuts for formatting text (now with code and horizontal lines).
  • Logo support in themes
  • Much improved image optimizations (initially expected in WordPress 4.4)
  • Better embed templates
  • Update for underlying libraries, such as jQuery, Backbone, and Underscore.

If you already manage a WordPress website, you’ll find the notification of the update in your admin area.  If not, then go and download it.

WordPress 4.2 “Powell”

WordPress 4.2 is out.  This release brings a whole lot of new features, bug fixes and improvements.  One that I’m most excited about (and thus testing right now) is the updated Press This bookmarklet for faster sharing, which now also works on the mobile (I have yet to try it though).

Source: WordPress › WordPress 4.2 “Powell”