6 great monospaced fonts for code and terminal in Fedora


Fedora Magazine covers “6 great monospaced fonts for code and terminal in Fedora“.  Their choices are:

  • Hack
  • Inconsolata
  • Source Code Pro
  • Fira Mono
  • Droid Sans Mono
  • DejaVu Sans Mono

It’s been a while since I considered a change to the monospaced fonts that I’m using.  The top three fonts in my list from a while back are Fixedsys Excelsior, Monaco, and Microsoft Consolas.  I used Fixedsys Excelsior almost exclusively in all my terminal windows.

Playing with type

Playing with type” article discusses some of the issues related to typography and typesetting, and how to work around those.  Some of the services mentioned are:

Update (November 15, 2018): Also have a look at this tool.

Adding Awesome Font Icons to WordPress menus

WordPress Tavern lists step-by-step instructions on how to add icons from the Awesome Font to your WordPress menus and content.  It’s really simple and the result does look better.  Here is how my menu looks now:

main menu icons

I don’t really need the icons in the content, but it’s good to know that it is possible.