New Bloglines bits

I see some new Bloglines functionality that I haven’t read about in the news yet. Particularly, there are some new tabs available when adding new feeds (Click on the ‘Add’ link). There are two things that I don’t care about – ‘Astrology’ and ‘Lottery’ – and one that looks interesting – ‘Quick Pick Subscriptions’.

‘Astrology’ simply offers a number of horoscopes for any sign that you might be. ‘Lottery’ is more cryptic. I suspect that it has something to do with some lottery in USA as there is no description what so ever and the only thing you can choose is the state.

‘Quick Pick Subscriptions’ though is something that looks promising. It seems to be a variation of ‘Recommendations’. ‘Recommendations’ uses your current subscriptions to figure out what you might be interested in. While ‘Quick Pick Subscriptions’ features a categorized list of daily most popular feeds.

If you have been looking for new stuff to read – check these features out. You’ll probably fill up all your free time pretty quick.

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