Feeding the medicine

Today we tried to feed some of that medicine to Maxim. It turned out to be a bit harder than we thought it would. The powder is not completely dissolving in water. It stays in the form of tiny particles, which don’t get through the bottle’s teat all that well. Instead, these particles gather together and close the flow throuth the teat. One has to shake the bottle every so often and than feed the mix again until the flow is closed, than repeat. Not much fun.

Getting the medicine in can be achieved by a number of tools from the “baby toolkit”, which we don’t own yet. Unfortunately. Buying one involves some time for investigation on the Internet and with other parents. And time we don’t have. Plus we really needed to feed Maxim the meds straight in and at that minute. So I let the engineering approach kick in…

As some of you might remember, one of my recent experiences with Maxim was him sucking my finger. This part worked, so I decided to use it. I washed my hands. Than I fed him some more from the bottle until it got stuck. Than I carefully disassembled the bottle, so that a whole bunch of those particles stayed in the bottle’s teat and wasn’t washed away. I put the whole bunch of semi-dissolved powder particles on my index finger and put it into Maxim’s mouth. He started sucking on to it. I knew that I had only about 10-20 seconds, so I used this time to assemble the bottle back and shake it a bit. The moment Maxim let my finger out I gave him the bottle. He sucked on to it too. When he spitted the teat out I inspected his mouth and made sure that all the medicine was gone. It worked.

He swallowed everything. He knew that I tricked him though, because he gave this “you my personal enemy for life now” look. I passed him on to his mother just to wash some of my guilt with her milk. I am so lucky he won’t remember this trickery…

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