Busy day in the NOC

OK, today has been the official most busiest day in the NOC. You must be asking “Why?”…
Well, I’ll tell you – the main reason is that because I was on duty in the NOC today. :)

Secondly, our wireless network went nuts and everyone and their brother called to see how we are and what we can do about it. Luckily, most of our engineers were in the office and I didn’t have to worry that much. Hehe. :)

Anger Management

Anger ManagementOff to cinema with Lev and Olga to see “Anger Management“. It is a good movie (actually almost excellent) with lots of good humor and good acting. Jack Nicholson is perfect. He just sprays energy around with every word and every movement. I felt the power. Actually, he is excellent in most of the movies I’ve seen with him – “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest“, “The Shining“, “The Witches of Eastwick“, “Batman“, “Wolf“, “As Good As It Gets“. He, for sure, knows how to Act, unlike the bunch of other “talented” pretty faces from Hollywood.

Adam Sandler (who can be remembered from “Big Daddy” and “The Waterboy“) was also quiet good and natural.

Two scenes which I could’ve watched another hundred times are: when they stop the car on the bridge and start thinging the “gay” song and when Adam Sandler was talking to the beautify red-dressed girl in the bar in Boston. These were excellent!

Random bits

Slow day at work. People are walking around, since most bosses are missing for some reason. Lots of talking. Everyone is waiting for a long weekend (dut to Monday being the Whit Monday).

Oh, and that’s the “Friday the 13th” today. It’s also a full moon.

In the evening, I came home to discover that my neighboor from downstairs though it would be a good idea to make barbeque right outside his door. I guess that all flats in the building were full of smoke, but mine was on the top of the list due to it’s location. Who cares? I am not going to spend Friday night sitting home and watching TV anyway.

Off to the movies to see “Anger Management” with Lev and Olga.

Anyway, after the movie, Olga felt like going home, so she did, and Lev and I went for a couple of pints with golden tequilla to Chesters Bar. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) the kitchen was already closed and we didn’t have a chance to try (for the hundred and first time) those excellent Buffalo wings. That couldn’t spoil the evening though.

Back home at around 2:30am and off to bed for some weekend sleep.

Random bits

Well, today was not so difficult as I was expecting it to be yesterday. Good.

I’ve watched “Fear Factor” finals in the evening and finished reading archives of Joe Rogan’s website. Sounds like I am a fan, but I am not… not yet at least, but the guy is cool.

Lots of plans for the weekend will majority of presents to give from ThinkGeek, meeting all those people who think I’ve forgot about them, “Anger Management” coming to local cinemas and, of course, something else will come up…