Trailer : Men in Black 2

I came across “Men in Black 2” trailer today.  I got excited … until I realized that the movie was released back in 2002.  And I somehow missed it altogether.  Never heard of it.  IMDB rating of 5.6 out of 10 tries to explain how come I never saw it.  But still.   Here is the trailer.


Louis CK stand-up comedy

Here is something to make you smile – stand-up comedy by Louis CK.  Funny and realistic – the kind that you might have thought yourself, but never spoke aloud. Especially if you are married.  Especially if you are married with kids.  Part 1


Follow related videos for part 2, part 3, and part 4, and more.

Trailer : Sucker Punch

This one looks like it has everything a good action movie needs – sexy chicks with guns, mafia, dragons, Nazi soldiers, swords, airplanes, fantasy planets, mental institutions, and more.   Samuel Jackson is missing, but hopefully the rest will make up for his absence.


Sucker Punch on IMDB.

Stupid piece of crap (NSFW)

I must have seen this video a trillion times by now.  It entertains me on so many levels, that I think it’s absolutely genius.  There is a lot of English swearing, so if you are easily offended, you’d better skip this one.  Not Safe For Work (NSFW), unless you work in some cool technology company.


Check The Onion for more or subscribe to their YouTube channel.