On free education

Cyprus Updates points to several studies, one of which indicates how much money people in Cyprus spend on compensating the poor quality of public education.

In Cyprus, tutoring consumed €111.2 million in 2008, of which €30.5 million was for children in primary schools, and €80.7 million was for students in secondary schools.

For me, it reminds and aligns with many of those things Sir Ken Robinson discusses in his talks.  The world is changing very fast and education system should keep up with these changes.



24 hours of air traffic in a minutes

Here is a mesmerizing video that I picked up at Pestaola.gr – 24 hours of worldwide air traffic compressed into a minute or so video.  Look at the density of that!  Consider the complexity of the underlying technology.  Consider how many people are affected but all of that.  And that’s not even all worldwide traffic, since some of it escapes the technology used for this research.



Welcome to American democracy

Even if this particular incident was staged, I’ve heard about and seen quite a few more examples recently. I guess we should happy for the United States bringing their democracy for the rest of the world.
