Feature Flags in PHP

Today edition of the “Four short links” from the O’Reilly Radar, brings a quick overview of the different feature flag implementations.  It touches on the following:

  • Command-line flags, with the link to gflags.
  • A/B flags
  • Dynamic flags, which are more difficult
  • More complex systems.

I’ve dealt with feature flags before, but never found an elegant way to scale those.  Some of the issues that I came across were:

  1. Naming conventions.  With more and more features added to the system, naming things becomes more and more difficult.  Especially, when features cross over from one part of the system into another and need to be supported in different sub-modules.  In a way, this reminds me of the old argument in the blogging community about using hierarchical categories vs. flat tags, with categories providing more order and tags providing multiple paths to the destination.
  2. Modularization issues.  Feature flags are often need in the larger applications.  The kind that provides a lot of features (duh!).  But those large applications often consist of smaller parts, or modules.  Deciding whether or not to implement the feature on the application level, and/or on the module level is difficult. Especially if those module features will need to be later grouped into application features.

In terms of implementation, I haven’t used any special tools or libraries.  It was basically a set of configuration files, with feature variables defined per environment and altered during the deployment.

These days, something more robust than that is necessary for some of the projects at work.  Gladly, there are plenty of available tools to choose from – no need to reinvent the wheel.  For a good starting point, have a look at PHP Feature Flags website.  The ones listed so far are:

So, I guess, PHP is well covered when it comes to feature flags tools.  The above cover cookie-based, IP-based, URL-based dynamic features, configuration-based features, and A/B features.

The point now is to actually utilize them in the project.  After all, the lack of feature flags is one of the 5 toxic things for the scalability, as per this page:

  1. Object Relational Mappers (ORMs)
  2. Synchronous, Serial, Coupled or Locking Processes
  3. One Copy of Your Database
  4. Having No Metrics
  5. Lack of Feature Flags

I haven’t decided which library to use yet – will need to try them all and see which one is the most appropriate, but for now I don’t think I’ll dive as deep as cookie/URL/IP based features or A/B testing.  Even the simplest configuration-based implementation will be helpful.

dotfiles – your unofficial guide to dotfiles on GitHub

Warning: you will lose a lot of sleep if you follow the link below. :)

No matter how well you know Vim, bash, git, and a whole slew of other command line tools, I promise you, you’ll find something new, something you had no idea existed, something that will help you save hours and hours of your life by shaving off a few seconds here and there on the tasks you perform on a daily basis, in the repositories link to from this site.

I think I’ve spent most of my Sunday there and my dotfiles are so different now that I’m not sure I should commit and push them all in one go.  I think I might need to get used to the changes first.

Some of the things that I’ve found for myself:

  • PHP Integration environment for Vim (spf13/PIV).
  • myrepos – provides a mr command, which is a tool to manage all your version control repositories.
  • bash-it – a community Bash framework.
  • Awesome dotfiles – a curated list of dotfiles resources.

… and a whole lot of snippets, tips, and tricks.

P.S.: Make sure you don’t spend too much time on these things though :)

PHP Package Development Standards

Paul M. Jones announces the availability of PHP Package Development Standards for review:

This initiative researches the PHP package ecosystem to recognize commonly adopted development practices. It rationalizes and refines those practices, then publishes them as PDS packages for reference by PHP package authors.

PDS publications are derived from and supported by common practices existing in real packages, as adopted by existing authors who have a continuing interest in the quality and consistency of their own work.

Have a look at php-pds/skeleton GitHub repository.

Personally, I welcome this initiative.  PHP ecosystem exploded in the recent years with the help of composer and Packagist.org.  There are over 120,000 packages just on the Packagist.org.  I think, it’s good to have some standards and best practices.  The PHP Framework Interop Group (PHP-FIG) is doing its best with the PHP Standards Recommendations (PSRs).  But we could have some more guidelines in order to have some consistency.

PHP Package Development Standards takes, in my opinion, the right way of looking at what’s out there, what works and what doesn’t, and than setting the guidelines based on the real world practices.  They cover things like file and directory naming conventions, versioning, changelog and licensing – which are common issues for pretty much every package.

Looking at the packages that I am involved with, only a few minor changes are necessary to comply.  Mostly, the “config” folder instead of the Unix-style “etc“, CONTRIBUTING file, and a CHANGELOG file, which I’m still to find a good way to semi-automate.

Quick and easy introduction into PHP Mess Detector (PHPMD)

PHP Mess Detector is yet another one of those tools that help to keep the code base manageable and clean.  Here’s the description straight from the site:

What PHPMD does is: It takes a given PHP source code base and look for several potential problems within that source. These problems can be things like:

  • Possible bugs
  • Suboptimal code
  • Overcomplicated expressions
  • Unused parameters, methods, properties

Here is how you can jump right in.  It’s super easy.  It only takes 6 steps.

Step 1: Pick a project to try it on.

You can use any of your own PHP projects, or grab one from GitHub.  It doesn’t matter.  You’ll know better where to apply it once you get comfortable with the tool.  For sake of this quick guide, I’ll use one of our Open Source repositories – cakephp-groups plugin.

cd /tmp
git clone git@github.com:QoboLtd/cakephp-groups.git
cd cakephp-groups

Step 2: Install PHPMD with composer.

composer require phpmd/phpmd

Step 3: Run PHPMD.

If you run “./vendor/bin/phpmd“, you’ll see a help screen. But what’s the purpose of this blog post if you have to read the manual, right? So, let me simplify it for you. PHPMD needs three parameters:

  1. Path to the PHP source code that it will be examining.  We’ll use “src/“.
  2. Report format – one of: xml, text, or html.  We’ll use “html“.
  3. A choice of mess detection rules that you want it to apply.  You can create your own, or you can pick one from: cleancode, codesize, controversial, design, naming, unusedcode.  We’ll use “unusedcode“.

Also, we’ll give it an extra one: “–reportfile“, because by default PHPMD will spit everything to the standard output.  So, let’s put it together and see what we’ve got.

phpmd src/ html unusedcode --reportfile phpmd.html

Step 4: Examine the report.

After running PHPMD command above, you’ll find a phpmd.html file in the same folder. Here’s how it looked for me, when open in the browser.

PHP mess detector

So, PHPMD found one problem in the “src/Shell/Task/ImportTask.php” file on line 93.  Here’s the relevant piece of code:

    protected function _getImportErrors($entity)
        $result = []; 
        if (!empty($entity->errors())) {
            foreach ($entity->errors() as $field => $error) {
                if (is_array($error)) {
                    $msg = implode(', ', $error);
                } else {
                    $msg = $errors;
                $result[] = $msg . ' [' . $field . ']';

        return $result;

As you can see (line 09 above is line 93 in the report), the issue reported by the PHPMD is a typo in the variable name. It should be $error, not $errors.

Step 5: Fix the problem.

  • Rename the $errors variable to $error.
  • Rerun the PHPMD report as per Step 3.
  • Examine report as per Step 4 to make sure that the problem is fixed and no new issues were introduced.
  • Create a new branch.
  • Commit the code.
  • Push the branch to GitHub.
  • Create the Pull Request.

All of the above mini steps took about 7 seconds.

Step 6: Pour yourself a drink.

You’ve just learned how to use a new tool, found a bug, and submitted a patch to the Open Source project.  At least I hope you did.

Not bad at all.

If you are wondering what to do next, here are a few suggestions:

  • Try running PHPMD for other types of issues.  As I said, it supports cleancode, codesize, controversial, design, naming, unusedcode, and we’ve only ran it for the “unusedcode”.  See what else is there.
  • Integrate PHPMD into your projects, to run automatically, together with your unit tests.  You do have automated unit tests, right?
  • Customize the ruleset that PHPMD is using to find more/less issues, which are maybe more specific to your project.
  • Use your newly acquired knowledge to fix issues with more Open Source projects.  You’ll make a name for yourself and you’ll make a world a better place.

Let me know how it goes.

PHP Static Analysis Tool – discover bugs in your code without running it!

Ondřej Mirtes shares the idea behind the creation of PHPStan – a static analysis tool for PHP:

Compiled languages need to know about the type of every variable, return type of every method etc. before the program runs. This is why the compiler needs to make sure that the program is “correct” and will happily point out to you these kinds of mistakes in the source code, like calling an undefined method or passing a wrong number of arguments to a function. The compiler acts as a first line of defense before you are able to deploy the application into production.

On the other hand, PHP is nothing like that. If you make a mistake, the program will crash when the line of code with the mistake is executed. When testing a PHP application, whether manually or automatically, developers spend a lot of their time discovering mistakes that wouldn’t even compile in other languages, leaving less time for testing actual business logic.

I’d like to change that.

This made sense to me, so I rushed to the repository.  I have quite a few projects to try this on.  I hurried so much that I didn’t pay attention to the important notes (aka prerequisities).  These are:

PHPStan requires PHP 7.0. You have to run it in environment with PHP 7 but the actual code does not have to use PHP 7 features. (Code written for PHP 5.6 and earlier can run on 7 mostly unmodified.)

PHPStan works best with modern object-oriented code. The more strongly-typed your code is, the more information you give PHPStan to work with.

Properly annotated and typehinted code (class properties, function and method arguments, return types) helps not only static analysis tools but also other people that work with the code to understand it.

Erm … if I had properly annotated and typehinted code, which is nicely organized into objects, I think, I wouldn’t need PHPStan as much as I need it now.  Anybody can analyze beautiful code.  Try figuring out what’s going on in a WordPress theme with 150 PHP files, split into classes, functions and chunks of unmaintainable code.  That’s where I wanted PHPStan to help me.

But OK.  Let’s see what it can do.  Gladly, my laptop already runs PHP 7 – here is a good first use for it.

Intstalling PHPStan with composer was easy.  All I had to do was resolve the nikic/php-parser dependency conflict between PHPStan and Sami, which is our source code documentation tool of choice (the newer version uses a much more recent version of the PHP Parser, so it wasn’t rocket science).

Once installed, a simple “vendor/bin/phpstan analyse ./src” command produced a report with a few issues.  Most of those were false positives, which can be fixed with a bit of PHPStan configuration.  But a few real problems that were found, were indeed bits that sneaked through our automated and manual testing.  For example:

------ ---------------------------------
 Line   src/Shell/EmailShell.php
------ ---------------------------------
 37      Return typehint of method App\Shell\EmailShell::getOptionParser() has invalid type App\Shell\ConsoleOptionParser.
------ ---------------------------------

I don’t think we’ll use PHPStan across all our code base just yet.  It’ll be too noisy for some projects.  And the PHP 7 requirement is not that easy to satisfy just yet.  But maybe sometime next year, once we finalize our move to PHP 7, I will integrate it into our automatic testing process.

All in all, it’s quite a useful tool and much needed for larger code bases.