How To Write Unmaintainable Code

In many places Perl is called an unmaintainable language. People with brains know that you can write unmaintainable code in any programming language what-so-ever. People who are familiar with Perl know that it can be used to write the uglies code ever, or the most beautiful code ever.

Aside from Perl discussion, here is an excellent document that shows how to write totally unmaintainable code in Java. Most of the rules are generic enough to be applied to any language.

I just hope you will never, for the sake of the humanity, follow any of the rules described.

Advantages of mod_perl over Java servlets

Pretty often, in the mailing lists, people ask why should they use one solution instead of another. There is a similar discussion on mod_perl mailing list. While there are, as usual, a number of reasons to use Perl over Java, it gets interesting when it comes to examples and references. Particularly, these lines from reply by Perrin Harkins:

Amazon runs on Perl. Yahoo runs a lot of Perl. Ticketmaster is all
mod_perl. IMDB is Perl. All of these get tons more traffic than Slashdot.

Groovy, a Java-like Scripting Language

By means of Linux Weekly News, I came across Groovy. Groovy is a Java-like scripting language. It is JRE compliant, has Java syntax, supports existing Java objects and libraries, has dynamically-types variables, and some more. It has templating system, simplified interface to JavaBeans, works with SQL, and can be used to write Java servlets.

Here is what they say about it on their website:

Groovy is designed to help you get things done on the Java platform in a quicker, more concise and fun way – bringing the power of Python and Ruby inside the Java platform.

Groovy can be used as an alternative compiler to javac to generate standard Java bytecode to be used by any Java project or it can be used dynamically as an alternative language such as for scripting Java objects, templating or writing unit test cases.

Overall it sounds rather interesting. It seems that it feel the niche between Java and Perl/Python/Ruby, providing an acceptable compromise for all those people participating in the holy wars. :)