Bush jokes: fire in the library

It’s been a while since I posted any Bush jokes. It doesn’t mean that I changed my opinion about him or that someone is paying me to shut up. It’s just that I haven’t seen anything worth posting for some time. Today I came across a good one:

A tragic fire this morning destroyed the personal library of President George W. Bush. The fire began in the presidential bathroom where both of the books were kept. Both of his books have been lost!

– A presidential spokesman said the president was devastated, as he had almost finished coloring the second one…

Anoter soap opera

There was this other soap opera on TV today. It looked like something Mexican about some old Mexican war times. And there was this fight, a duel even, between an old and wise guy and a younger one. Both of them were military men – generals or something like that. It looked like they were really close. Maybe a father and son, or maybe very close friends. And they had this fight on the bank of the river. Swords. Suddnely, the young guy cuts the right upper arm of the old guy.

Dramatic pause. They look at each other.

Then there is blood, coming out of old guy’s mouth. MOUTH?!! Yes, mouth. And he falls, like he’s dead or something. Straight into a shallow river. Than he mumbles something. I guess he said something like “Enough of stupid fighting”. The young guy picks up the swords and throws them away. Than he uses the right upper arm of the old guy to pull him out of the river. Than, he picks up the old guy, puts him on his shoulder and carries him like a dead lamb.

I stayed and watched for a few more minutes. The old guy survived. Thanks God. I was getting warried for him. With this wounds in the arms you never know…