The Cost Of Loss

SingleHop – a cloud-based hosting company – created this infographic on the cost of loss for when your backups aren’t up to the par.  This should work well as a reminder, especially if printed out and hung on the wall in front of a sysadmin (but also somewhere, where the management can occasionally see it too).

SingleHop BaaS Infographic


On compensation

Once someone actually gets into Google, Bock said his department also looks at compensation differently. Most HR managers try to keep salaries within a limited range for any given position. But that creates a discrepancy between the productivity of the best workers and their salaries. The best employees are anywhere from 50-200% more productive than the average employee. “It makes no sense to pay them just this much more,” Bock said, holding his fingers an inch apart. “LeBron James is way better than just about anybody playing sports, and he makes a lot more money. And no one looks at that and says it’s unfair.”

Forbes, “Google HR Boss: We Don’t Care Where You Went To College