Repeat of the last command in bash

Ok, we all know that to repeat the last command in bash (as well as many other shells) you just need to press the Up key. Sometimes though it is handy to test a command before using it as a subset of a bigger command.

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Temporary backup of a few files

Now, calm down, we are not talking about tar(1) or cpio(1) backups. Sometimes, there is a need to make a temporary copy of a few files and then copy them back to original filenames. Let’s say you have a directory with few config files and you want to copy each config file to filename.orig, and then, later, restore it to the original name. Here is how you can do it… Continue reading Temporary backup of a few files

Gramps and GraphViz speak Russian

Today is the very great day in history! :) I’ve managed to convince gramps to correctly export my family tree into GraphViz format. It did preserve all the names in Unicode, so I just had to install a unicode TrueType Arial font and generate a GIF and PNG. Both of them are now available in the “Family tree” section. And I am off to sleep… first time in the last couple of days. :)