Learn UNIX shell

There is a very nice shell tutorial at LinuxCommand.Org.

Not only it covers all the stuff like conditions, loops, and functions, but it also provides a list of resources to continue your education on the matter. The language is simple and the examples are clear.

There is also a nice explanation on how to start writing scripts once you feel more or less comfortable with the command line itself. And, of course, you can find few ready made scripts in the script library over there.

Strongly recommended for shell beginners.


A lot of spammers use modified words to get throuth spam filters. What they do is take a word like ‘casino’ and insert a random character into it. For example ‘ca!sino’. If you get a lot of spam with words modifed like this, then you can use sa_patgen.pl to generate pattern rules for SpamAssassin.

All you have to do is specify the score to add for each modified word match (I use 0.5) and a list of words like casino, gambling, viagra, etc. The script will output a set of rules to match modified words. You can save the output in your local.cf file or pipe it somewhere else.


GPS software for Linux

While still dreaming of a GPS device, I found a number of Linux applications that provide some navigation functionality. The best way to remember URLs is to write them down, so here they go.

TuxMobil links to all these and many other applications for mobile phones, PDAs, notebooks, and the like.

Even more control over quoted text in Mutt

It’s good to go over a manual page for the program that you use for a long period of time. New tricks are always waiting to be learned.

Today I have found that with ‘S‘ in pager it is possible to fast forward through the quoted text directly to the reply. And with ‘T‘ in page it is possible to toggle the display of the quoted text. These are very useful when reading through a huge message with lots of quotes in it.