Trip to Foini

Phini tavern

Today, Hazard, my mother, Alex, Olga, and I went for the trip to mountains. First, we stopped in Foini tavern for some excellent food. Than we had a walk around the village. On the way back to Limassol, we stopped at Kouris lake to check the water level and the way the church looks.

I made a lot of pictures, which are available here. I was tricked by the sun few times, since it was pretty hard with harsh shadows, although it was past 4:00pm. Also, the lens hood didn’t seem to help in all the situations that I expected it to. Anyway, some pictures are pretty cool and I am more-or-less satisfied.

Picture of the day


As I am getting more and more interested in photography, I get more and more practice. At first, having albums dedicated to certain events was very convenient for me. These days, I always carry a camera with me and sometimes I have just one or two shots which don’t fit into the album vision. For that reason, I have decided to create a special album for such shots – ‘Picture of the day’ (or POTD).

Many books and websites recommend beginning photographers to shoot at least one picture every day. This helps to develop an eye for opportunities. I think that now I am ready to try this project. I hope that I will have at least one picture every day. Sometimes it will be more. Today, for example, I have three.

Let’s see how long I will last. :)