Ordered a couple of php books from Amazon.
Category: Personal
Despite being at work all the time, and being constantly busy, I am still a human. I am social. I have a life, family, and friends. I have thoughts and experiences. Once in a while I share them, and when I do, I do so in this category. If you don’t know me personally, chances are you’ll find posts in this category particularly boring.
I got married to my beloved girlfriend Olga. May we live happily everafter.
Back from Egypt
Back from Egypt. It was a fast and interesting trip. Ship was excellent, as were the pyramids and Alexandria’s lighthouse. After the trip I was wondering alot for additional information about world wonders, and I have found some here. The country itself is one huge contrast. They also appear to have problem with beer, but smoking the water-pipe is usual thing.
CVS and bugtracking with Mantis
All the small things to close working week. Rest of the day I’ve spent education myself on CVS again. :) I’ve came across CVS book at red-bean.com which I now want to order hardcopy. All my today CVS practise was around a wonderful piece of software called Mantis. It is simple yet powerfull bugtracking system, which I have adopted as technical support tool for our company. All of my changes were based on version 0.16.0, while mantis went to version 0.17.0. So, I’ve been porting all my changes to the new version. Tried both ways with traditional diff-edit-patch-repeat and cvs ways. So far, I enjoy the cvs way of doing things, and I haven’t yet tried branching and merging. Oh, I sound like a developer, don’t I? :)
Gucho 0wned
I am pretty busy these days. My home server has been cracked via old ssh. I had to clean up the machine, then decided to use it as a honeypot for some time. By now, I think I have everything I need, so machine is reinstalled. Red Hat 7.2 has been installed on it. I am occupied with configuration of the server and I am using these downtimes to reorganize my home network a little bit. So, no usefull staff today, except for the promise that I will put together and publish here the information I got from this attack. Get back later! :)