It often happens so that administrator’s password for MySQL is lost or forgotten. The easiest way to fix the problem is to open /var/lib/mysql/mysql/user.MYD in hex editor and replace the encrypted string near “localhost root” with spaces. Then mysql service should be restarted, and that’s it.
Category: All
All posts across the whole website belong to this category. They might also belong to some other categories as well, but this one holds all of them. Hence the descriptive name – All.
New mutt packages, Quake III, and book order
I have put online new mutt rpms and configs with S/MIME support and LDAP address book configuration. No NNTP and compressed mailboxes support this time. Outlook appointments converter to ical calendar is available though.
After long tweaking and changing all possible and impossible settings I actually managed to fix my Quake 3 and now I get up to 140 frames per second. Thanks to [bofh]-mokh and [FC]-Pekker for their help.
I have also decided that it is time refresh my home library. I have ordered several books from O’Reilly. This time I tried not to limit myself with one topic and asked for books on everything :) (vi, cvs, php+mysql web programming, exim, perl for system administration, etc). Waiting is painful!
Linux HA clustering, mutt with LDAP, and workstation upgrades
Last few days I have spent installing a HA (High-availability) cluster. I needed an active/active setup for two nodes to run Apache and PostgreSQL services. Both nodes are connected to external shared storage. It took me some time to get the concepts (especially with quorum partitions and raw devices), but afterwards, installation was a bliss ;). I have used KimberLite clustering technology, which is open source and free. There is also a commercial solution on the site, for those who want. SourceForge.NET Clustering Foundry was also very helpful in getting the whole thing.
Meanwhile, I managed to configure my mutt to work with MS Exchange address book over LDAP. mutt-ldap-search.
I’ve also had my workstation upgraded in certain ways :) More memory, less CPU, better graphics card (GeForce 2 MX 32MB 200 Series this time). Strangely, I cannot get more then 40FPS in Quake3 using original Nvidia drivers.
Now Last of all the news is that I am now testing init script for NovaNet services. Since Novastor didn’t provide with anything automatic to stop the service and remove all kinds of shared memory segments and semaphores, I had to write my own. It will be available for public, when initial testing is over ;) .
Recently I was playing with KickStart – this piece of software helps you in case you need to do plenty identical installations. ksconfig
is a new configuraiton tool, which helps you to create installation config file, which can later be put on the floppy for UNinteractive installation :). I used it for cluster setup where nodes are pretty much the same with all the difference set in the DHCP server.