- @angadn and you still think open source is overrrated? :) Thanks for following, btw. #
- @angadn Run on a Linux box? It doesn't. Want to collaborate with a few people on a document? It turns into a nightmare. Google Docs! :) #
- @angadn There is vertical split as well (:vsplit instead of :split). Awesome for writing unit tests. #
- @angadn pros like what, for example? #
- @angadn I see. Well, most of these things I don't care about. Probably other FOSS people don't too. To each his own, I guess. #
- @asaliev @alex_mamchenkov LOL. I guess it was an auto-complete that I didn't notice. Or something. :) #
- @angadn I'm a Red Hat / Fedora man. Always was. Always will (probably). Using Fedora on desktop and Red Hat / CentOS on server is awesome. #
- @angadn Apple products have nothing to do with Unix. Even though some are based on it. It's all covered up and hidden. Average Bob wins. :) #
- @asaliev I had a superhero idea yesterday – BoredMan. Always bored. Can kill enemies with boring stories. Wears a large B on his chest. :) #
- @angadn Those might be UNIX lovers. They are not Linux lovers though. There is a difference. Linux is open and that's what I love about it. #
- @asaliev Joker: Why so serious? BoredMan: I'm not serious. I'm bored. :) #
- New note : Extreme GPU Bruteforcer http://bit.ly/p4Vsat #
- New note : Plastique Icons: Over 400 Free Icons « Iconify.it, LLC http://bit.ly/oi4s69 #
- Shared: Gravatar: Now supporting Gowalla, Google and GoodReads http://bit.ly/qFyGYZ #
- Shared: no. 346 – @PortlandiaGirl http://bit.ly/nKh9KQ #
- Shared: no. 345 – @nirvana68 http://bit.ly/owuRFW #
- Upgrade your blog to #wordpress 3.2. Add new post. Go to full screen by clicking a toolbar button. Start writing. It's impossible to stop! #
- Google Plus Tips & Shortcuts http://bit.ly/oMo06D #
- GitHub: mamchenkov pushed to 2.0 at mamchenkov/cakephp http://bit.ly/qN1bpb #
- GitHub: mamchenkov opened pull request 143 on cakephp/cakephp http://bit.ly/n5jxkw #
- @angadn yes, of course. CakePHP has a whole Sanitize class with a few methods. Have a look here: http://api.cakephp.org/class/sanitize #
- It's 7pm on 7th day of the 7th month. Bling! #
- File:Prisoner population rate UN HDR 2007 2008.PNG – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://bit.ly/r5Kz41 #