Location: Bavarian Delicatessen Limassol
Year: 2016
Saturday evening
Thinking wordly thoughts
CakeFest 2016
I’ve just purchased my ticket for CakeFest 2016! Feeling super excited … Whoop whoop! :)
I’ve attend quite a few events in the last 15-20 years, ranging from generic TEDx, through startup and entrepreneur, generic technology, web development, PHP, and software specific ones. Â CakeFest 2014 back in Madrid, Spain was one of the most memorable and is definitely in top 3 of my all time favorites. Â So I’m excited about the opportunity to do it all over again, this time in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
If you are involved at all with CakePHP framework, I strongly recommend you get your ticket, while it’s still at the “blind bird” price of $150 USD for the two day conference event. Â If you are very new to CakePHP, you might want to consider the workshops as well, but make sure you do the main conference no matter what.
What is ChatOps? A guide to its evolution, adoption & significance
HipChat blog runs a rather lengthy post on what ChatOps are – “What is ChatOps? A guide to its evolution, adoption & significance“, which provides some insight into how the new generation of teams communicate.
At Qobo, we are at Stage 3 – Gimini, with a whole lot of dedicated rooms (one for each project, and a few more), some workflows (most notably “Hey Leonid, can you merge and deploy this pull request please“, or a shorter “@leonid, please m&d”), and some automation (we get monitoring notifications from Nagios and Zabbix, repository activities from GitHub and BitBucket, as well as do project deployments using slash commands).
We haven’t eliminated email completely, but combined with Redmine project management tool, we’ve significantly decreased the role of unstructured emails in our work.