Algorithm Economy and Containers

Containers (Docker, et al) have been getting all the hype recently.  I’ve played around with these a bit, but I’m not yet convinced this is the next greatest thing for projects that I am involved with currently.  However, it helps to look at these from different perspectives.  Here’s a blog post that ties containers to a new term that I haven’t heard before – algorithm economy.

The “algorithm economy” is a term established by Gartner to describe the next wave of innovation, where developers can produce, distribute, and commercialize their code. The algorithm economy is not about buying and selling complete apps, but rather functional, easy to integrate algorithms that enable developers to build smarter apps, quicker and cheaper than before.

DNS / Whois Record Lookup Tool

Here is yet another DNS / WHOIS record lookup tool.  It’s quick and simple – just type the website’s URL and submit a form.  You’ll get a result with all the DNS records and WHOIS information, all on one page.

The term DNS stands for Domain Name System, the largest digital database which contains all websites information on the internet. Every domain has authoritative DNS server which publishes information about that domain and the name server for the domain.

Our DNS / Whois record lookup tool will grab A, MX, SOA, NS, TXT and Whois records for a domain name.



According to the Urban Dictionary:

Anatidaephobia is defined as a pervasive, irrational fear that one is being watched by a duck. The anatidaephobic individual fears that no matter where they are or what they are doing, a duck watches.

Anatidaephobia is derived from the Greek word “anatidae”, meaning ducks, geese or swans and “phobos” meaning fear.

A:dude, Anatidaephobia is the coolest phobia ever!