- Here is a marketing tip for you from the customer point of view: don't call your product/service innovative. It's not up to you to decide. #
- Bennigans was fun.They served us well with both food and drinks,made a few jokes in the process,and even gave us a discount.Awesome Guiness. #
- 11:57pm. 3 minutes to midnight. Too bad it's not Christmas Eve or New Year Eve… #
- Hello from Fedora 14. Upgrade (preupgrade) went very smooth. Everything works. No fixing needed. No visible changes either. :) #
- Too bad: Cyprus Rally this year is not part of the WRC. It's some lame IRC. Boo. #
- I favorited a YouTube video — The 8pen http://youtu.be/q3OuCR0EpGo?a #
- Laptop fan melted chocolate of a Kinder Surprise egg that was nearby. My headphones got in the middle of that mess. I almost put them on. #