- All of a sudden, favicons started working (again?) in my Google Reader. My life is so much easier now! #
- Favicon stuff probably started working due to an upgrade of Better GReader Firefox Addon http://bit.ly/Xek4Q #
- The History of Computing Video Shows Why We Are Doomed [Computing] http://bit.ly/2TuzyY #
- Flying to Germany tomorrow. Have to post-process and upload all previous pictures. Last night to go over roughly a 1000 images. #
Year: 2009
Daily tweets digest
- Bookmarked : 16 WordPress Sites to Help You Build a Better Blog http://icio.us/evjhph #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Dub FX 18/04/2009 'Made' http://bit.ly/4DJF0O #
Daily tweets digest
- Commercial adoption of Open Source Software Survey. Please take part. http://bit.ly/wwxXM #
- I am out of the offline prison!My house is finally connected to the most amazing thing that ever happened to humanity.I love you, Internet! #
- Really interesting video on the history of Silicon Valley going back to World War II http://bit.ly/TRent #
- I favorited a YouTube video — The Secret History of Silicon Valley http://bit.ly/2Ou0oh #
- http://icio.us/gxlgwn #
Daily tweets digest
- Having lots of fun with http://tuberadio.fm . Awesome! #
Daily tweets digest
- Barcelona Circus is Limassol for the next couple of weeks or so. Taking my kid to see the show today at 16:00. #