Year: 2007
Daily tweets
- 3am it was +33C. 8am it was +40C. I don’t even want to think about the lunch time… A/C, work, please work… #
- Wow.. none of the food deliveries work, because it is too hot. Now, how do we end our existence – by hunger or by heat? #
- Our office blinds are closed and the A/C is working in full power. It’s nice and chilly here. I don’t even want to think about the outside. #
- I just check my Flickr purchase history. Altogether I’ve sent them more than $200 USD. And you know what? The best value for money so far. #
- This is why I love technology so much. Here is a picture of my parents that I never saw. Now it’s on Flickr – #
- @atw26: we found a volunteer who drove for take away :) #
Daily tweets
- 3am it was +33C. 8am it was +40C. I don’t even want to think about the lunch time… A/C, work, please work… #
- Wow.. none of the food deliveries work, because it is too hot. Now, how do we end our existence – by hunger or by heat? #
- Our office blinds are closed and the A/C is working in full power. It’s nice and chilly here. I don’t even want to think about the outside. #
- I just check my Flickr purchase history. Altogether I’ve sent them more than $200 USD. And you know what? The best value for money so far. #
- This is why I love technology so much. Here is a picture of my parents that I never saw. Now it’s on Flickr – #
- @atw26: we found a volunteer who drove for take away :) #
Go Links!
Rarely do I voice my opinion as loudly as I do now. But some things, you know, they touch something inside of me and I just can’t be quiet. No matter what the issue is, I just have to let the world know what I think.
There was a longish discussion on the WordPress hackers mailing list about one of the main menu items. Currently, you see it as “Blogroll”. I personally think it’s confusing and limiting. Many people agree. But what should it be called? There are three choices for now – Blogroll, Bookmarks, and Links.
I think it should be Links. I think the simpler the terminology, the easier it is for novice users to join in. (And, as some of you know, I do support many novice bloggers when they join in.) Also, I think that Links is the most generic term of all three. This means that it can be applied with no changes to non-standard WordPress setups (corporate sites, catalogues, and property portals, directories, and things like that – not necessarily blogs).
Blogroll is cool modern term. But it’s the one least known. It’s also tightly tied (excuse the .. nevermind) to blogs, which WordPress by far not always is.
Bookmarks is a totally other thing. Bookmarks are things people use to remember or note something. We’ve used it in the paper books. And now we use it with the browsers. Some of us use “social bookmarks”, which is actually just link sharing and organization.
Anyway. I think that Links is the least common denominator and that it’s the most generic term, that can be easily applied to many different sites, and that it’s the one most people understand.
What do you think? How about you vote for it to? Just go to this poll, choose your option and press the vote button. Your voice counts!
Daily tweets
- Going through email… I avoided my Inbox for more than 12 hours. Things pile up. Or should I say, in Gmail things pile down? Soviet Russia? #