- Good morning, Twitter! #
- One of the things that I love about my current job is that I can work barefoot in the office. The virtue of small companies, yeah… #
- Oopsy.. I just found 6.5 GBytes of SPAM on our server. Nice catch! #
- “…ignore disabled children”. As cruel as it might sound, I just wrote it as part of source code comment. Black humor kind of thing. #
- @stepanov: Athens are only 40CYP away :) #
Year: 2007
Daily tweets
- @stepanov: I see you #
- @stepanov: You made it sound like you re-implemented the API. Please tell me that you are using Net::Twitter :) #
- if it can’t use modules, it’s not a computer. hehe. #
- stepanov: these days, I know no other language than PHP. I write code and cry. I cry and write code… #
- stepanov: I bet that my PHP will mostly work in Perl interpreter. Minus a few PHP-specific bits here and there… :) #
Daily tweets
- I have a love hate relationship with recursive functions. Either I write them in 2 minutes, or in 2 hours. Like today. #
Daily tweets
- It looks like I’ll be spending a weekend in the office. And it’s only Friday, 9:00am . #
- cPanel is one of my most hated systems ever. It’s broken by design, and then more on every level. #
- One of the things I hate about cPanel is that it’s strictly a single window application.Changing 2 accounts in browser tabs breaks hell … #
On the order of names
There is a reason, I think, why first name is called a first name, and surname is often called a last name. That’s because, I think, one should use them in this order. John is the first name. Doe is a last name. So one should use John Doe. Not Doe John.
What’s the big deal, you say? Isn’t it obvious that John is a first name? Well, not always. I know John. You know John. And John knows John. But we aren’t all American. Or English speaking for that matter. We are getting global. We get more and more people online. They come from different places, they grew up in different cultures, and they speak different languages.
If you need an example, get a name from a Chinese or Indian guy. Then see if you can figure out where is the first name, where is the last name, and if that is a guy or a girl…
With all those people coming in, we have more and more data to play with. But in order to extract any useful information from that data, it has to be organized. Just a little bit. Tagged. Marked up. It should have at least something. And there is no global way to organize this all. The only way is for everybody to organize their own bits. Only like this, I believe, it will work out.
All I want it, is to be able to call anyone in my address book and say “Hey, John, how are you doing this days?”. It just doesn’t sound the same with Doe.