- Watching "Midnight Express" on TV. I think I never saw it before, though heard about it. #
Year: 2007
Daily tweets
- The web looks totally different with Microsoft fonts installed. Who could have guessed… #
Daily tweets
- Slashing my feeds.. I’ve way too much stuff that I don’t have the time for. Off you go… #
Maxim’s little move
Maxim’s blog was moved to WordPress.com , so I disabled a few domains that you could access it from. From now on it is available at http://maxim.mamchenkov.net . There was a change of theme, and the way pictures are. (They used to be on the blog, but now they will always be linked to Flickr).
Hopefully, I’ll post more too.
Daily tweets
- I still don’t get Facebook. It’s the same as MySpace, but a bit better on design. Still a mess though. Both need tabs, like Google Home. #