Daily tweets

  • digg is not the most frequently updated source in my twitter.our monitoring system is.with 300+ sms/day, I think I have to somewhat tweak it #
  • Finishing up a really cool plugin for WordPress. It’s a whole subsystem actually. Too bad it will stay closed-source for a while. #

Daily tweets

  • digg is not the most frequently updated source in my twitter.our monitoring system is.with 300+ sms/day, I think I have to somewhat tweak it #
  • Finishing up a really cool plugin for WordPress. It’s a whole subsystem actually. Too bad it will stay closed-source for a while. #

Daily tweets

  • now that I need to test our Nagios Twitter integration, the bloody network works like a clock… #
  • hosts health 100%, services health 100% .. damnit! I should probably add twitter.com to our monitoring to get some notifications #

Daily tweets

  • Good morning, Twitter! #
  • One of the things that I love about my current job is that I can work barefoot in the office. The virtue of small companies, yeah… #
  • Oopsy.. I just found 6.5 GBytes of SPAM on our server. Nice catch! #
  • “…ignore disabled children”. As cruel as it might sound, I just wrote it as part of source code comment. Black humor kind of thing. #
  • @stepanov: Athens are only 40CYP away :) #