Utah accent

Every time I think that Heather can’t be any funnier, she blogs again and proves me wrong. Here’s the paragraph from one of her recent entries:

She’s a much different teenager than she was a young kid in that now she seems to be an actual human being and not an alien savage placed here by her overlords to see if she could single-handedly destroy the Earth. Leta loves her despite her annoying Utah accent, a speech impairment that prevents her from pronouncing the middle of the word, not because she doesn’t possess the physical capability to do so, but because she’s probably never heard the middle of a word. If you haven’t ever heard a Utah accent all you need to know is that if you had to listen to 30 seconds of a local newscast you’d offer a blow job to the first person who volunteered to stab you in the ears.

I wish I could write like that. Hell, I wish more people could write like that!

My mother flickres

Not only my mother blogs and GMails, but she also flickres (can I say that?). And not only that, but she figured out Flickr all on her own. She just wanted to leave a comment. I told her that she needs to register and helped her a bit through the mad Yahoo registration form (even the URL to that form is insane). Next day all I know, she comments, and she hit the 20 Mb uploading limit. Loads of pictures, complete with titles, and tags, and everything. I was speechless for a second there. Of course, we just had to upgrade her account to Pro.

I’m proud of you, ma!

Getting back on tracks

It turned out that getting back on tracks is way too difficult. I can’t keep up with my email, my with feeds, my with my pictures. I am getting tired and lose focus easily. I can’t blog. It’s been ten days since I’ve returned and I still can manage only about 60% of my regular daily load, information-wise. But it’s getting better. Seven days ago I could go only through about 25%.

That’s the reason for the slow blogging. But I’ll get back. Really. I promise.

I guess, I’ll have to make a break in my mega trip blogging to catch up with the rest of the stuff. But I still have loads to write and post about that adventure.

So much to blog, so little time…