The IT Crowd – geek comedy show

I am starting to fall for television. First there was (and still is, by the way) Comedy Central‘s The Daily Show. And now this – The IT Crowd, new comedy show on Channel 4… Boy, am I waiting for those times when my TV will be able to connect to souces like this, no matter where I live. I’m willing to pay for this today. In three years I’ll be desperate.

Anyway, I managed to see one of the episodes, thanks to a certain someone. It’s hilarious. It’s as funny as I could imagine, and even a bit more so. By the way, all episodes are online, it’s just they are for UK audience only. If you know how to become a UK audience – there’s all you need.

And let me tell you something – don’t let the name of the show stop you from watching it. There’s not that much of IT in it anyway. At least not in the episode that I’ve watched. It’s more of an office humor. If you’ve spent more than half an hour in any corporate or startup office recently – you’ll dig all the humor in the show.

Movie related observations

Scott Adams shares a few interesting, as usual, observations. This time he talks about movies they make these days. Here are a few worthy quotes:

Am I the only one who continues to turn up the volume about ever five minutes for the entire movie?

And don’t get me started about the TV show 24, which should be subtitled “Bad Things Happening to People Who Whisper.”

Film makers know that if they let the audience feel happiness or hear dialog, the Oscar will slip through their fingers.

There’s some sort of unwritten rule that the worse a movie makes you feel, the longer it must be. Comedies and animated movies are generally well under two hours. But a movie about well-dressed people drowning in ice water is going to threaten the four hour mark.

I need to get more specific when I ask about movies. Instead of asking “How is the movie?” and getting “It’s great,” I should ask “How did you feel when you watched the movie?” in which case I would get “I felt like an SUV was parked on my chest and starving rats were duct taped to my torso. The acting was great!”

Funny, mostly true, and to the point.