Question about The Real World ™

We think it’s important to make the distinction between using the word Google to describe using Google to search the internet, and using the word Google to describe searching the internet.

After reading this post at Slashdot I have this question: do they mean that there are people out there who use something other than Google to search the web?


Women and Usability at Fedora

Fedora Project has focused on a couple of important issues recently – women and usability. Both are indeed important and will make Fedora Linux better for all of us.

On the other hand, I wonder, if there is even more usable and friendly way to start web browser. Because with current trends towards the web, soon (if not already) that’ll be the only thing that matters. Heck, I can even imagine my “Login to your Firefox” workstation already.

Productivity tips. NOT.

If you are one of those people ,you know, here are some tips on How to Do Nothing at Work, and Get Away With It

What they can’t see: Rearrange your office so that your computer monitor faces away from any windows or doors that your boss may be able to see through. This will ensure that you have ample time to hit the “Boss Key” in any game you’re playing, or open a Word document to hide the porn you’re surfing, should your boss happen to wander into your

16 Common Myths About Atheists

While I am not an atheist – I do believe in god, but I don’t follow any religion; that’s just between the two of us – I often stand by their side. Read some of the points that I support in 16 Common Myths About Atheists.

Want to believe in God, Jesus, Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy? Be my guest. Want to teach your kids to do the same? I feel sorry for them, but it will still take many years until people realize how crippling one’s reason in childhood is like a bird crippling its offspring’s wings. (*) Want to give all your money to a guy with a Lexus and a bad haircut? Fine. But don’t try to “save” me, don’t harass me in the street or at my home, don’t get politicians to enact laws to give power to you, don’t try to teach your religion in science classes by dishonestly giving it a new name and disguising it as “science”, and don’t use my tax money to write your idiocies in public places. In short, do as you want, as long as you keep it to yourself – just like I don’t go to your place trying to un-convert you.