New card reader

My card reader is officially Missing In Action. I can’t find it. I remember taking it with me to Russia, but I never used it there, or even took it out of the bag. It’s not in the bag. I’ve checked all my bags, and I can’t find it. I looked for it all over the place, and it’s not there either.

I asked my hardware supplier brother to find me a new one. He brought a brand new universal USB card reader today, and I am dumping pictures as we speak. Thanks bro!

It looks like there’s only about 300 images from my trip, half of which or so will be censored and deleted. The rest of them will take me some time to postprocess. At least, I managed to download them to my laptop.

3 thoughts on “New card reader”

  1. Lenya, sorry for the off-topic, but can you tell me, is it possible to buy a good camera semi-professional in Cyprus, and not really expensive one? What is the average price for them? (if you know)

  2. Well, it all depends on what you want to do and how much money are you prepared to spend. I myself use Canon EOS 300D (sometimes called Canon Digital Rebel). It’s a semi-pro camera, with a lot of features. The two most important characteristics though are the SLR (single lens reflection) and the possibility to change lenses. You can get this camera on the web (from UK or States) for less than $1,000 USD. And then you can spend a fortune on lenses, flash units and other accessories.

    There are other manufacturers, of course, too. But the price will be somewhere there anyway. For the alternatives, check Nikon D70.

    If you need something cheaper, you can always get something from the Canon Powershot line. I used to borrow Canon Powershot G2 (G6 I believe is the modern model) from a friend. It’s an excellent camera, and can cost around $500 USD on the web.

    As I said, you can always get these in Cyprus, but you’ll save twice as much or more if you’ll order from the web. A good website with cameras, reviews, sample images, and user forums is Digital Photography Review.

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