
Maxim is doing a lot of physical training. He always did, but it seems that with every new skill he learns, the variety of his muscle building excersises grows. He spent a lot of time learning to roll over. Than, when he could do that, he started practicing crawling and sitting. Now that he can do both of those he tries new things.

Sit-ups is one of his favourites. He is trying to bring himself into a sitting position every time he ends up on his back. He either uses his elbows or his toes. And its the toes that amaze me. I mean, he only need to grab something with his toes to bring his upper body up! How much power does he have in there?

His second most favourite thing is vertical explorations. He craws to a couch or a chair and uses his hands to bring himself into a vertical position, while standing on his knees. That gives him a new point of view and that, in turn, stimulates more practicing. He even goes as far as attempting to stand up on his feet, but those attempts resulted in nothing more than hard falls. Boy, I should warn you – we aren’t that fast in catching things your mama and I.

In the meantime, all I can practice – with my still damaged hand – is diperball. When we are at the beach and I change Maxim’s diper, I have to dispose the old one. And the garbage bin is about 30 meters away. Being a lazy bastard that I am, there is no surprise in me trying to avoid this walk. I throw the diper into the garbage bin instead.

I have yet to succeed in avoiding that walk (every time I miss, I have to go and pick it up and throw it into the bin). The weather conditions (read: wind) change from day to day. The number of attempts is rather limited – one per day. And the diperball constitution is different from day to day – either totally empty, or mildly full, or very full.

I’m getting close though. The last to days – the diperball hit the bin on the edge and fell. It fell out, not in though.

Daily del.icio.us bookmarks

Bits and pieces for today.

The hurricane and disaster business:

Continue reading Daily del.icio.us bookmarks

The car is back

I’ve picked up my car from the repairs today. It looks all brand new and shining from the complimentary wash, except for the light. Apparently, there wasn’t one for this model available, so they will have to order it from somewhere far away. Even Japan is possible. The light should arrive in a couple of weeks and they will finish the repairs.

I can enjoy the driving in the meantime.

El Mariachi

Mariachi, El (1992)I got lucky. I thought I would never find this film again. But no! DVD copy got in my hands and I watched it. Twice. Yes, the “El Mariachi“.

Directed by: Robert Rodriguez
Genres: Action, Thriller, Crime, Western
Cast: Carlos Gallardo, Consuelo Gómez, Jaime de Hoyos, Peter Marquardt, Reinol Martinez, Ramiro Gómez, Jesús López, Luis Baró, Oscar Fabila, Poncho Ramón, Fernando Martínez, Manuel Acosta, Walter Vargas, Roberto Martínez, Virgen Delgado
IMDB raintg: 7.1
My rating: 8.0 [rate 8.0]

Continue reading El Mariachi


The other day Maxim surprised us big time. He demonstrated that he is capable of creating cause-effects links by himself. He grabbed the remote control of TV from the table, looked at it, pressed a button, then looked at TV looking for changes. He than looked back at the remote control, pressed another button and looked back at TV. Than he repeated it for a few more times.

And so it was, both Olga and I met the start of Maxim’s electronic age with our jaws on the floor. Not a pretty sight I tell you.