They say that girls are cool. Well, than girls that dig Linux is way cooler! Eat this!
Month: February 2005
Matthew Mahon photography
It took me the whole 30 seconds to figure out the navigation at Matthew Mahon photography website. Not to get lost remember that clicking on the photograph brings it on to your screen, while clicking off the photograph area will zoom it out. Not very intuitive, but nicely done non-the-less. Also, some photographs have audio commentary and notes on the other side. These phogographs have a tiny pictograms on to them to use the feature.
LiveJournal pictures
LiveJournal has succeded in building a very large community. Lots and lots of blogs are started every minute at LJ and lots and lots of these blogs get updated every minute. Reading through these might be a very time consuming and pretty boring process though. Just to get an idea of how different are LJ users and their interests consider checking the last 30 pictures posted to LiveJournal. Every time you refresh that page, you get a different set. This a really cool time and bandwidth killer…
Cast Away
It has been a long time since I wanted to see “Cast Away“. Today I finally got my hands on that film and I couldn’t even wait until Olga will wake up. Watched it alone. I am glad to report that it wasn’t a disappointment.
IMDB rating: 7.3
My rating: 9.0
Celebrity highlights: great acting and production by Tom Hanks with directorship of Robert Zemeckis. Helen Hunt was involved in a couple of significant scenes.
Party at Milenka
About 20 people from the forum met yesterday at Milenka’s place for some rocking. Actually, the original idea was to sing songs by Vladimir Vysotsky and have some pies. But when it starts, it kind of difficult or even impossible to control. People were drinking everything from tea and juice to vodka and tequilla. Singing also was out of control with blues, rock-n-roll, and folk pieces all over the place. Overall, I had as good time as most of the people.
Just for the reference, the thread about the party is here. Starting from the third page or so you can find comments about the party and links to the photographs. I have made a few shots myself. The results are here.