
Sometimes I get a feeling that everything there is to invent and develop has been invented and developed. Like organizers for example. How many ways of organizing your appointments and alarms do you know? How many different ways can you do it? I bet, you don’t even use your second hand to count them. Organizer is a pretty standard application these days. Interfaces of different organizer programs look very similar. And most of them look exactly like the paper alternative which was used years ago.

Well, I came across something called SpiraClock, which is an original way of organizing appointments and alarms. It looks much better and cleaner than everything that I’ve seen until now. There are a few applications implementing the idea too. Though I haven’t found anything for Linux yet. But the idea is worth the time.

Milena’s Birthday

MilenaHere are the pictures from Milena’s birthday party (today for those in the unknown). It was a great party with lots of excellent food, drinks, nice people and music. Especially music. Especially towards the end, when there was a real rock concert with electric guitar, bass, keyboard and a couple of microphones. Cool!

Photography-wise it was pretty tough. There was defenetily a lack of light. Most of the pictures were done with ISO1600 setting, f4.5 or f5.6 aperture, on-camera flash, and some are still blurry. It seems that I really need a more powerful flash unit.

Professors’ quotes

I don’t know how about you, but when I was in high school, then in university, and then in college, I wanted to write down things professors said pretty often. And I don’t mean all that crap about the courses they were trying to teach. I mean funny things. Or stupid things. Or funny and stupid things. And I sometimes did. But those writings are long gone now, since I didn’t know what a blog is back than.

But professors all over the world haven’t stopped saying funny and stupid things. So guys at ProfQuotes.com started to write them down, categorize them by courses, and rate them. Now there is an excellent collection of quotes from many professors. Some of these are recognizable and were said by many different people. Others are pretty unique and original. Lots of fun in any way.