American Reality

American kids
Here are three independent links that are worth a read, which I’ll collectively call “American Reality”. Some of these are a bit old, but are still interesting.

  • Iraq On The Record – this is “a searchable collection of 237 specific misleading statements about the threat posed by Iraq made by the five Administration officials most responsible for providing public information and shaping public opinion on Iraq: President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Powell, and National Security Advisor Rice.”. There is also a PDF file with examination of the statements.

  • The Bubble of American Supremacy” – interesting article by George Soros.

  • The whole surreal story” – blog entry of Chris Toshok (Evolution any much more developer) describing the search of his apartment by FBI and Secret Service. There are also scans of the search warrant and seizure receipt.

A9 – Amazon applied to searching the web

I’ve came across a new search engine from today – It looks and feels much like Google, which is used for web searches anyway, but there are a couple of interesting bits about it.

First, if you’ll create yourself an account, A9 will remember you previous search queries. Nothing new here, though. While most of search engines don’t do it, most of the browsers do.

Secondly, it is possible to see “Site info” for each search result, where some specific information can be found, like contacts, description, etc. The weak side of it is that this information must be submitted by a human and is not generated automatically.

It is also boasted that A9 has some “Search Inside the Book” ™ technology which you can use to find text in Amazon books. I didn’t have any piece of text in mind at the moment, so I couldn’t test if it works or not.

The last nice thing I’ve noticed about this search engine is that it is very easy to operate by just using the address bar of the browser. That means that direct queries are easily constracted. For example:

People who work with a lot will probably find this search engine handy. Me – I don’t like the peachy colors. :)

World Rally Championship – Cyprus stage

Cyprus Automobile Association has updated the Cyprus Rally website with the information regarding WRC 2004. It seems that this year it will be an even bigger event. There are bus tours from major cities, VIP packages with “Drive It Yourself” offerrings, etc. Maps and schedules are also there.

It is also useful to visit WRC Online and WRC’s official site for standings, points, articles, and pictures.