Mr. Manners: Modern Greeting Techniques

College Humor has a nice article today about the art of handshaking. It is called “Mr. Manners: Modern Greeting Techniques“. It is written in an easy way which resembles a question-answer corresnpondence. Read it. It might help you socialize better. And it is pretty funny.

How NOT to take pictures of graduates

There is this hilarious collection of the graduates’ photographs – “Planetdan’s Senior Photo Collection“. If there is a chance that you will ever have to photograph a graduate, then check these pictures with comments. If you are not going to make any pictures ever, then check the pictures and read the comments anyway. They will make you smile. I promise.

Wanna learn Japanese?

LaughIf you ever were, are, or will be thinking about learning Japanese language, you should read this small essey on the subject. Even if you are not going to think about learning Japanese, you should still read this essay, because, I am telling you, it is one of the funniest things I’ve read in recent years.

The only Japanese that I “know” is “Kuma yo oyabun?” which supposedly means “Who is your boss?”. It was translated by some unknown guy into Russian from English subtitles of some American action movie of the 80s. That is one reliable source. :)

Murphy Laws

I believe that by now everyone knows what a Murphy Law is. Yeah, that’s right.

If anything can go wrong, it will.

It is that everything else that surrounds Murphy Law that needs further promotion. Far too less people know the origins of the law. Far too less people know that there are variation of the law when applied to different professions and tasks. Far too less people know that there Murphy constants, trends, and statistics.

Well, if you are not sure you have heard everything about Murphy Law and related stuff, then this website is just for you.