Signed up for Google Analytics

Everyone and their brother is talking about the new Google service – Google Analytics. Basically, this is a smart way of getting website statistics. Instead of installing and configuring a local web log analyzer, you just sign up for the Analytics, insert some JavaScript code into your website and have the best stats ever made ready for you. Or not.

Google Analytics is called the biggests failer release by many. Things didn’t work as they were supposed to. Instead of fast and dynamic stats, people wait in queue for their statistics. Lots of bugs and lots of misbehaviors. I signed up myself and I had to wait for alsmost 12 hours for the site to be accepted. And now I have to wait for another 12 hours (or so I am promised) to get the first reports.

For me the idea of having stats done by Google is a pleasant one. If I think Google can do one thing right that wold be data aggregation. The paranoids all around us make lots of noise about privacy concerns and Big Brother is watching you conspiracies. Well, I simply don’t care.

Those of you who do care and want to avoid being tracked by Google can easily do so. All you need to do is block your browser from doing HTTP requests to “”. Read this good article on the subject.

Not good enough

I have finally received the reply from Google. They say that they have considered my application carefully, but I am no fit for their team. Maybe not yet. Somehow this was pretty much the answer I was expecting. I can’t say that I am disappointed though. Obviously, I have to work on myself and try again at a later stage.

I have asked them if they have any guidelines for people who apply for the second time, or if they even have any minimum period between the applications, but I haven’t got the reply yet.

Google hiring like it’s 1999

I thought that this article – “Google hiring like it’s 1999” – might be interested to all those of you who follow my Google posts about the job interviews.

In its most recent quarter, which ended Sept. 30, Google added 800 employees, bringing its global work force to 4,989. That’s more than triple the total from just two years ago.

Next level at the game of Google

With all this Google stuff, I feel like I am in the game. I am going from one level onto the next. I just learned that I have passed the previous level. I am up for the next.

Someone will call me on Thursday for the technical interview. I’m overexcited. Wish me good luck!