Perl meets Quake III

Ok. One week ago I was told that matches on our local Quake3 servers resumed. Rumor said that even TDM is played again. I haven’t been invited once for the whole week (suckers are afraid of me :)), which got me really pissed off. Perl Monks once again proved to be very helpful, so I’ve got myself a new perl script that sends me an SMS once someone joins the server. If you need one, you can use Quake3 Monitor as I did to construct something appropriate for your environment.

Three hours later I was warming up and then had a couple of nice FFAs. We even started TDM, but two out of total five people (freefrags) left the server in the middle of it. Still, we had lots of fun!

Office workstation debugged

The problem I’ve had for a week with my workstation at work was properly troubleshooted today. It turned out that it was exactly as I suggested from the very beginning. The problem was with CPU fan. And no, it was working. It’s just that the plastic lock that was keeping the fan glued to CPU broke for some strange reason. Now, I am waiting for the replacement, therefor my email response might be a little slower then usual. Stay with me.