The sequel for the new Sherlock Holmes movie is promised in December of 2011. Here is the trailer, which suggests it will be as much fun as the first movie. If not more.
A movie trailer is an art of its own. Sometimes I just enjoy a trailer. Sometimes I am waiting for a movie to come out and trailer is the only thing that helps kill some time. Either way, when I come across the trailer worth sharing, I’ll publish it in this category.
The sequel for the new Sherlock Holmes movie is promised in December of 2011. Here is the trailer, which suggests it will be as much fun as the first movie. If not more.
Here is yet another animation that seems worth waiting for. Next year …
It’s been a while since I posted a movie trailer, so here we go. “Bad Teacher” is already out in the movies. Cameron Diaz is doing a lot of swearing while working in school. The trailer is pretty safe though.
Yet another take on “The Tree Musketeers”. It seems that with every other try there’s even more visual effects and even less common sense. I don’t know how they do it.
Inspiration, thought provoking, video on the subject of war photography.
This is a trailer for the “War Photographer” movie.